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Weightlifting in Teleton in Chile

Teleton is a charity event held in Chile on a yearly basis since 1978. The major Chilean television networks hold a 27-hour transmission to raise funds to help children with developmental disabilities treated at Instituto de Rehabilitacion Infantil (“Infant Rehabilitation Institute”) centers of the Fundación Teleton. In Chile, the transmission of Teletón is an event of national unity and the most widely watched telethon in the world.

During the annual event, local and worldwide stars participate in live events across the country.

This year a new space was incorporated to Teleton: The “Olimpiaton”. Continuing with the Olympic spirit and the big impact of the “live” transmission of the 2016 Rio Olympic Games, some TV personalities accepted the challenge to do a short demonstration of some sports, i.e. athletics, gymnastics and weightlifting that are more attractive to the public.

The “competition” was developed in a fantastic scenario, like Rio, and the Chilean Olympic representative Maria Fernanda Valdes was elected as advisor and referee.

There were no Olympic records, the movements were not technically the best, but it was an excellent opportunity to promote weightlifting to the biggest audience in the Chilean TV, and consolidated weightlifting as one of the most popular sports in TV.

Check out the VIDEO!